Before the first hammer hit the first nail at The Home Hotel, we conducted a comprehensive sustainability and impact report. We believe that sustainability is more than just a buzzword, it’s a pathway to a better tomorrow.
We aim to eliminate all single-use plastics. Guestrooms are equipped with plastic-free, non-toxic, ecological products to ensure a minimal ecological footprint.
The Home Hotel boasts a robust recycling program focused on paper, glass, electronic devices, batteries, chemicals, oil, lamps, and more.
To reduce the CO2 emissions associated with long-distance transport, we give preference to local products and suppliers. This aligns with the desire of our community for ecofriendly products and services.
Our staff is regularly trained to avoid food waste, with leftovers repurposed to prevent waste.
The Home Hotel provides guests with complimentary Desiknio e-bikes to promote ecofriendly transportation. Our staff is also encouraged to use these bicycles whenever available to foster a culture of sustainability. We also offer charging stations for our internal and external guests with electric vehicles.
We ensure fair working hours for all employees, stressing health and safety. Our team members also receive a balanced and health-conscious diet, including a variety of vegetarian and vegan options.